Borax Powder
Exclusive Features
- The representation of the can, per se, is disclaimed .
- For Soap and Borax Powder Preparation for Use as a Cleanser
- Insoluble matter Max 0.005%
- pH (0.01 M solution25°C); 9.15 – 9.20
- pH (4% solution in water) 9.0 – 9.6
- Chloride (Cl) Max 0.0007%
- Packaging Size: 25 Kg at Rs 49/kg in
Packaging Size: 25 Kgs,10 Kgs at Rs 36/kg
- For the treatment of fungal foot diseases, borax is widely used in anti-fungal foot soaks.
- Borax is also a component of several commercially available vitamin supplements.
- Thrush, a very common bacterial infection that occurs on the hoofs of horses, can be treated with the help of borax.